After the successful OTW World Championships which were held on the 5th and 6th September of 2020, MKA came up with another UNIQUE idea, that of organizing an Online competition, a specialized Event for the Kyu Grades competitors in Karate - the Q ONLINE Challenge CHAMPIONSHIPS.
Feedback from several Referees who supported OTW through their participation, highlighted the fact that several Karate students do not even have a dojo where to practice, or an equipped dojo, but the PASSION they have shown in exhibiting their Kata and the will to give their best was outstanding, even though medals were not won… and this is what MKA is all about – it is about giving opportunities to ALL Karate practitioners, even to those who are not members of any Organization, because KARATE is OUR PASSION!

A Great Team
The Q CHALLENGE CHAMPIONSHIPS organized by Sensei Chris have proved to be another great success. With 26 competing countries and 312 competitors, MKA has once again reached competitors all over the world, giving them another opportunity to participate. The Q Challenge Team has shown a professional approach in running these Championships . Last but not least, great work has been done by the Tatami Referees and all the judges, whose commitment is to be applauded.
I Campionati Q Challenge, organizzati da Sensei Chris, sono stati un altro grande successo. Con 26 paesi e 312 competitori, MKA ha riuscito di raggiungere atleti dappertutto, dandogli un'altra opportunità di partecipare. La squadra dei Campionati Q Challenge hanno fatto vedere la loro professionalità durante i Campionati. Gli arbitri , insieme ai loro Tatami Referee, hanno fatto un grande lavoro.

Live Streaming
An incredibly smooth live streaming made judging easier and pleasant for the public and competitors to watch.
Un streaming diretta di qualità eccezionale che ha fatto l'arbitraggio facile e piacevole per il pubblico e gli atleti per seguire.